Gluten-Free Grain Being Developed by Researchers – Solution for People with Celiac Disease
The celiac disease has been a nuisance for food enthusiasts all over the world for decades now. People simply cannot enjoy products with gluten, without having to worry about how their body will react to it. Research in the area is now close to discovering how to make grains devoid of any gluten. This will surely help affected people in enjoying their favorite foods without any worries about potential reactions.
A team of Northwest scientists are working around the clock for which can be a huge breakthrough for the world. They are trying to develop grain using genetic modification and produce a grain that is gluten free. People who are sensitive to gluten will now be able to enjoy their favorite bakery goods without worrying about half the problems they face on a daily basis.
What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in a variety of wheat grains. It is the substance that gives foods primarily made up of carbohydrates most of their texture. From cereals to sandwiches, it is present in almost all major form of carbs that we eat today. People with celiac disease or even a gluten allergy cannot eat gluten at all. Sadly, there are no available cures. The only thing you can do is to avoid gluten in any form. This means avoiding most carbohydrates, which makes up the majority of foods everywhere.
Sachin Rastugi who is one of the researchers on the development team explained that he and his team have been able to introduce a glutinous gene into the grain itself. What does this mean? Well, imagine you are lactose intolerant and you take a daily pill to be able to consume milk. The researchers did added the effects of the pill inside the grain, so foods made from those grains would be edible for people allergic to gluten.
The team was quite proud to announce their development but are also taking their time to ensure everything works out. After all, this does put a lot of lives at stake. Therefore, we might not see the product up on shelves anytime soon. The researchers commented that to perfect the formula, they needed a few more years to be able to execute it properly. Safety does come first, but you certainly can expect to eat that burger soon!